Would you like to quickly and easily confirm receipt of your applicants' submissions? With FunnelBridge, you can set up automated application confirmations via WhatsApp for your jobs. These confirmations can be sent to all new applications or exclusively to those submitted through WhatsApp.
Before you get started, please ensure the following:
The pipeline for the job you want to set up confirmations for is saved as a pipeline template in Recruitee.
You have created an appropriate message template in FunnelBridge to use as the confirmation message.
Step-by-Step Guide
1. Activate Pipeline Automations Globally
Go to Settings > Pipeline Automations in FunnelBridge and activate the first toggle. This ensures that applicants who are not manually moved to a stage can still receive an automated message.
2. Create a New Automation
Click "Create a new Automation".
Select the pipeline for which you want to send the confirmation.
3. Configure the Confirmation Message
Decide whether to send a confirmation to all new applicants or only to those who applied via WhatsApp.
Select the desired message template.
If applicable, define placeholders to personalize the message and safe.
All Set! ๐ฎ
From now on, your applicants will automatically receive a confirmation message via WhatsApp.