If you plan to dynamically load job postings via the Recruitee API and display them on your website, it's important to also include an "Apply with WhatsApp" button for each job. FunnelBridge makes it as easy as possible for you as a developer.
Intended Audience for this Article:
Developers or technical personnel responsible for dynamically querying and displaying Recruitee jobs on their own website.
Step 1: Understand Where the Button Needs to Be Placed
FunnelBridge automatically generates a unique link for the "Apply with WhatsApp" button for each job in Recruitee. This link is different for every job because the WhatsApp bot uses the specific link to identify which job the candidate has selected. Therefore, ensure that each job displayed on your website includes its own "Apply with WhatsApp" button. The next step explains how to dynamically generate this link.
Step 2: Understand How the Link for an "Apply with WhatsApp" Button Is Structured
The link is structured as follows:<phonenumber>/<funnelbridge-organization-id>/<recruitee-job-slug>/
Dynamically Determining the Value of "phonenumber"
Example Value: 4915731892767
How to Retrieve the Value:
The configured phone number is uniquely set for each Recruitee/FunnelBridge account by the customer.
If no one has provided you with the phone number yet, you can obtain this information quickly by reaching out to the FunnelBridge support chat (bottom right on this website). Please mention your name and for which customer you are developing the career site. We typically respond within a few minutes.
Dynamically Determining the Value of "organization-id"
Example Value: c5b8f489-8318-4990-861c-3a95eb238d35
How to Retrieve the Value:
The organization ID is the unique identifier for the customer’s FunnelBridge account.
If no one has provided you with the organization ID yet, you can obtain this information quickly by reaching out to the FunnelBridge support chat (bottom right on this website). Please mention your name and for which customer you are developing the career site. We typically respond within a few minutes.
Dynamically Determining the Value of "recruitee-job-slug"
Example Value: sales-engineer
How to Retrieve the Value:
The slug is the last part of a job URL and contains the title or a brief description of the job.
Example: In the URL
, the slug issoftwareentwickler-in-berlin
.Recruitee assigns a unique slug for each job. You can find it in the JSON result of the Recruitee Career Site API (
) directly at the top level of the offer object under the keyslug
.If you are unsure how to query the value through the Recruitee API, feel free to contact the FunnelBridge support chat (bottom right on this website) as well.
With this information and the support of FunnelBridge, you have all the necessary tools to dynamically integrate "Apply with WhatsApp" buttons on your website. If you encounter any questions during the implementation, our support team is always available to assist you. Together, we can make the application process even simpler and more efficient for your candidates. Best of luck with the integration!